When you register you need to give us some personal details. We use these solely to conduct our experiments and will never pass them on to anyone else.
You can unsubscribe from our register at any time by using the unsubscribe button on your account profile. If you do that we will not contact you again. However, if you change your mind in the future, please register again with the same email address and your participation history will be recovered.
In an experiment you make decisions, which we record. We use these decision data for our scientific work, which we aim to publish and present in talks. Your decisions are anonymous: we are not interested in the identity of who made each particular decision, and in our work we never identify individual participants.
We keep a record of which experiments you take part in, because we may not want to invite you to an experiment if you have participated in a similar one already. We also keep a record of the experiments you sign up to but fail to attend.